Welcome to my website! I'm a Physical Oceanographer in the Department of Physics, University of Oxford, and I'm interested in the fluid dynamics of the global ocean circulation. My work spans a wide range of scales, from meters to global, and days to millennia. I use a range of approaches including pen and paper, computational models and observations.
Physics of the Ocean Summer School
I’m co-organisiing, with Martin Visbeck and Sabrina Speich, a Summer School on Physics of the Ocean at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, 2-7 July 2023. Deadline: 15 February. The school runs every 3 years although sadly the ...Spurious forces dominate the vorticity budgets of ocean gyres in C-grid models
DPhil Student Andrew Styles has published his first paper in the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systemsm showing that spurious forces can dominate the vorticity budgets of ocean gyres in C-grid ocean circulation models. Gyres are ...Acute sensitivity of global ocean to eddy energy dissipation
Our paper led by former post doc Julian Mak has been published in Geophysical Research Letters on the Acute sensitivity of global ocean circulation and heat content to eddy energy dissipation time-scale. In this paper, we show that the ...
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